Knowing how to reload your ammunition correctly can prevent injuries to yourself or the people around you. It also makes your shooting experience more reliable during emergencies, especially when hunting big game animals. Before assembling the ammunition, get the right reloading supplies, including dies and priming tools. Here are a few frequently asked questions about reloading ammunition safely:
How Do I Safely Reload My Ammunition?
Reloading ammunition requires attention to detail to avoid misfires, gun failure, or explosions. With the right approach, you can reload your ammunition safely and keep the gun reliable when needed. Clean the sockets and cartridges and inspect them for any irregularities, like cracks or deformities. Keeping the sockets and cartridges in good condition enhances the safety and accuracy of the gun.
After inserting primers into the primer pockets, measure the powder charge and pour it into each casing. Be precise when measuring the exact amount needed. You can use a precision scale to measure the recommended amount. Seat the bullet deep enough in the case using a seating die to achieve the desired cartridge length. After assembling, test the loads for accuracy at a shooting range. This will help you notice any inconsistencies and adjust the ammunition accordingly.
What Reloading Tools Do I Need?
The type of gun you have determines the reloading supplies you should purchase. Choose the appropriate supplies that are safe and easy to reload. You will find them from a reliable retailer selling different reloading tools and gun-building components. Look for the right reloading dies to remove the primer and seat the bullet appropriately.
Get a reloading press to help with powder seating, bullet resizing, and ammunition crimping. You also need the right priming tools to help you when inserting a primer into the cartridge case. Other supplies to look for include scales, powder, and shell holders. The supplier will help you determine the right tools your gun requires.
What Safety Precautions Do I Need When Reloading Ammunition?
When reloading your ammunition, observe several safety precautions to avoid accidents and injuries. The primer and powder are highly flammable, so keep them away from open heat or electricity. Avoid smoking while reloading because open flames from the cigarettes might ignite loose powder, leading to an explosion. Using black powder instead of its smokeless counterpart may cause the barrel to rust. You should also keep the gunpowder away from children and pets during and after reloading. Clean your worktop after reloading to clear any spilled powder.
Wear gloves and a respirator when painting, sanding, or tumbling cartridge cases. Ammunitions have different toxic chemicals, like lead, some of which are carcinogenic. Wear Nitrile gloves that block harmful substances when handling reloading equipment. A respirator will protect you from lead dust when tumbling cartridge cases.
What Can Happen if I Use the Wrong Ammunition?
Using the wrong ammunition in your gun can cause an explosion or personal injury. A smaller shotshell fed into a bigger gun can shift past the chamber to lodge in the barrel. A bigger cartridge than the chamber will expand upon firing, causing the barrel to bulge or split open. Before reloading, check the ammunition’s caliber or gauge to see if it matches your gun’s specifications. You can also consult professional firearm instructors or gunsmiths to help you choose the correct ammunition.
What Are the Legal Requirements for Reloading Ammunition?
The federal law allows individuals to reload ammunition and use them without obtaining a license. When purchasing supplies, understand all local and state laws about possessing and reloading ammunition. The Gun Control Act (GCA) requires individuals to be 18 years or older to purchase or possess ammunition for guns. You may also need a license if you intend to sell your reloaded ammunition.
Get Quality Reloading Supplies Today
Reloading ammunition is a unique learning experience for individuals seeking to improve shooting accuracy. It allows you to tailor the supplies to fit your gun or shooting situation. When done right, you can reload your ammunition safely and better enjoy your shooting hobby. Working with a professional will help you choose the right ammunition and understand how to reload them. Contact a trusted ammunition supplier today to inquire more about reloading supplies for your gun.